What is Endodontics?

Endodontics is a term of Latin origin. The word “endo” means inside and the word “donti” means tooth. This term generally means inside the tooth. This department constitutes the Department of Dentistry, which aims to diagnose and treat disorders consisting of nerves and vessels. Physicians interested in this department are also called Endodontists.
Our professional Antalya Endodontist dentists, who are interested in eliminating the discomfort in the tooth core, apply root canal treatment and bring our patients together with their treatments.

How Do Endodontic Disorders Occur?

The part of the tooth that appears in the mouth is called the crown, and the part located inside the jawbone is called the root. The upper layer of the crown, which is the visible part of the tooth, contains enamel, which is one of the hardest tissues in the body. The part of the tooth located within the gum line is surrounded by the jawbone. But around the roots, there is a layer called cementum. A layer of dentin is located under the enamel and cementum surrounding the teeth and roots. Nerve endings are in the dentin, which is the largest layer surrounding the tooth. The pulp is located under the dentin. In the pulp of the tooth, there are dense nerves and vessels. The pulp, which plays an important role in the growth and development of teeth, has an important place in the perception of dental problems such as pain in patients. Everyone has a lot of bacteria in their mouth. These bacteria, when combined with ingested food, allow the formation of acid in the mouth. If oral hygiene is not taken seriously, these bacteria multiply, damaging the tooth enamel and causing tooth decay. If caries, which can also be defined as superficial caries, are not treated, the bacteria will continue to multiply and invade the dentin under the enamel over time. This condition makes the patient feel pain, without proper intervention, tooth decay will reach the pulp and destroy the micro vessels and nerves in this area, causing inflammation. In such cases, the patient is at risk of tooth loss. However, thanks to root canal treatment within the scope of endodontic treatment, patients can prevent tooth loss and healthily use the treated teeth for many years. In this regard, endodontics and root canal treatment have become synonymous.

How is Endodontics Performed?

• Removal of damaged nerve structures
• Disinfecting the cavity left by the removed nerves
• Widening of the natural canal route
• Filling the gap depending on the damage and dimensions
• Complete closure by filling
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